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Buntara Sangha holds 'Bhakthi Sandhya 2023' devotional music concert

Buntara Sangha Kuwait witnessed one of the best devotional music concerts, "Bhakthi Sandhya 2023," by Puttur Narasimha Nayak, at Carmel School Auditorium in South Khaitan recently. The program began with a prayer by Sanidhya Sanath Shetty, followed by the traditional lighting of the lamp by Buntara Sangha Kuwait's managing committee members and Ex-presidents of BSK. Shodhan Kumar Shetty, Vice-president of Buntara Sangha Kuwait, welcomed the gathering along with the welcome dance by Shirika S Rai. Various competitions like Geetha Kantapata, drawing and coloring, were organized for kids of various age groups, and a traditional dressing competition for couples was organized.

The present management committee members honored the management committee members of 2022, under the leadership of Guruprasad Hegde, for their efforts, dedication, and teamwork. Special attractions to the event, Puttur Narasimha Nayak and Rajesh Bhagavath Mulki, were introduced to the audience and facilitated as a token of love and respect towards their extraordinary achievements and dedication towards the arts and culture.

The program was followed by a music concert by Puttur Narasimha Nayak and his team with Tulu and Kannada language devotional songs. President Sathishchandra Shetty Nakre, Vice president Shodan Kumar Shetty, General Secretary Vishwanath Shetty Nitte, Cultural Secretary Manoj Kumar Shetty Kinnigoli, Treasurer Sandesh Shetty, Public Relations Officer Deepthi Prashanth Shetty, Sports Secretary Dushyanth Shetty, Managing committee members of 2023, Ex-presidents and members of BSK along with their family members were present for the event.

On his presidential note Sathishchandra Shetty Nakre thanked all members for their active participation and support for the event. The program concluded with giving away prizes to the winners of the various competitions. The judges for the competitions, Chandrahasa Shetty and Uday Shetty, were also recognized. A vote of thanks was done by General Secretary Vishu Shetty. A traditional banana leaf dinner was served by the Oriental restaurant Salmiya. The whole event was organized by cultural secretary Manoj Kumar Shetty and was well anchored by Deviprasad Shetty Nitte.

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